When a deaf person reads a word, there's not. 但当一名聋人在阅读时,没有这个过程。
It is very important then to determine how a deaf person prefers to communicate. 那么,确定耳聋的人偏爱何种交流方式是很重要的。
Respect of and for the deaf person's rights must always be evident. 必须尊重聋人的权利。
Jun-Hui became the first deaf person to go to Beijing Xicheng Teachers 'School and the Capital Normal University ( CNU). 军辉是第一位聋人能到北京西城师范学校和首都师范大学读书。
Is it normal to be a little nervous communicating with a deaf person for the first time? 第一次跟一个耳聋的人交流有点紧张,这正常吗?
Hearing dog: a dog trained to assist a deaf or hearing-impaired person by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds, such as a ringing telephone or doorbell. 被训练成通过发出类似于电话铃或门铃声等信号,给聋子或听力受损者提供帮助的导聋犬。
A deaf person who is unable to speak. 一个不能说话的聋子。
Deaf people join these groups to assert their identity both as a Deaf person and as a member of some other category distinct from their hearing losses. 聋人加入这些组织,显示他们的身份既是一个聋人,又是另一类社会范畴的成员之一,该范畴与听力损失泾渭分明。
A deaf person may still understand what is being said. 聋子还是可以懂得人家在说什麽。
Yelling at the back of a deaf person. 跟在一个聋子后面大喊。
A deaf person who is unable to speak. International Committee of Sport for the Deaf-Mute 一个不能说话的聋子。国际聋哑人体育联合会
A deaf person could teii that. 聋子都能听出来。
It seems that this statement may fall on deaf ears, but I like the frist person pov. I also like the idea, if you will not write more on this, may I use the idea in my next fic? 似乎这篇文章被埋没了,但是我喜欢这样的第一人称写法,我也喜欢这构思,如果你不打算继续写了,我能把这构思用在我下一篇小说里吗?
Don't be deaf to hear it from the person who says it with their heart. 但不要就此伤悲;只要所言出自爱心,就不可以充耳不闻。
On Communication between the Sound and the Deaf-Mute Me The Story of A Deaf-mute Person 浅谈健全人与聋哑人的沟通我,一个聋哑女的故事
According to investigates with the analysis, proposed some feasible improvement deaf school language teaching measure, respectively is specifically: The teaching language in various grades section reasonable use measure, enhances the teacher teaching language efficiency, fully plays the deaf person teacher's role. 根据调查与分析,提出了一些具体可行的改进聋校语言教学的措施,分别为:教学语言在各年级段合理使用的措施,提高教师教学语言效率,充分发挥聋人教师的作用。
Me The Story of A Deaf-mute Person 我,一个聋哑女的故事
Sign language is the language which is used by the deaf, it is a stable expression system which is composed of gestures, facial expressions and head gestures. Relative to a wide range of body language of common person, sign language have more regularity. 手语是聋人使用的语言,它是由手势、表情和头部姿态等构成的稳定的表达系统,相对于一般人多种多样的肢体语言来说,手语更加具有规律性。